“Contact me if you can’t get your Lower Body to fire your throwing arm!” – Coach Skip Fast, 27 Years Coaching Pitchers 

just like “The Pitcher’s Playbook”

turns You into a Throwing Machine, and so will in-person instruction.

“in-person sessions” is a guide to improving pitching performance.

“In-Person Sessions” enhance balance, timing, and power while reducing throwing arm stress.

“In-Person Sessions” introduces a BRAND NEW pitching sequence focusing on the relationship between the head, shoulders, arms, lower body, and legs. Its goal is to get the lower body to land the stride and fire the throwing arm rather than the traditional stride, throw, and lower body movement

“In-Person Sessions” provide a detailed analysis of the pitching mechanics needed to complete this and troubleshooting tips for common mechanical issues.

“In-Person Sessions” emphasizes the importance of a consistent pre-game routine and setting achievable goals for improving performance. It also covers mental resilience and confidence-building strategies for pitchers. In addition, it discusses common psychological barriers pitchers face, such as the fear of failure and pressure to perform, and offers strategies to overcome them.

Overall, “In-Person Sessions” offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing pitching performance, combining physical mechanics with mental training and psychological strategies.

You walk away knowing how to throw the ball to your target with uncanny regularity, the physical skills involved, and the right mental approach to be the pitcher you dreamed about!

In-person instruction costs $60/half-hour session, payable in Cash or Venmo. 

Instruction occurs at 65 Fairmount Drive, Sicklerville, NJ, 08081, or, from one week before Thanksgiving, at The Total Turf Experience, 614 Lambs Road, Pitman, NJ 08071.

  • The Fairmount Drive location is 3 minutes off Exit 41 on the Atlantic City Expressway.

Interested? Fill out this form, and Coach Skip will contact you within 24 hours!

“Velocity and Location by Choice, Not by Chance!”

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“The Pitcher’s Playbook” | “Rise From the Rehab” | In-Person, South Jersey Pitching Instruction