
A Simple Way to Improve Command

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Front Foot Wider Than Your Shoulders

Your front foot wider than your shoulders leads to the front knee naturally drifting behind the front hip during the leg lift.

Your feet wider than your shoulders create an unstable and unbalanced position, reducing control over the pitch.

You will likely “fly open” or have difficulty repeating a consistent release point.

Feet One Baseball Width Apart

Feet one baseball width apart promotes a more balanced leg lift, keeping the front knee in front of the front hip.

Your feet one baseball width apart provides better control, gives you a better sense of where the ball will go, and encourages a more linear and repeatable delivery.


Your feet one baseball width apart helps you maintain proper alignment, keeps the front knee in front of the hip during the leg lift, and allows for a more consistent and repeatable delivery, leading to improved command.

Our Guarantee

A narrower stance, roughly one baseball width apart, promotes better balance.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

Organized Motions – Shoulder Alignment

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

For proper lower body engagement, accurate throws, and a successful pitching delivery, the importance of shoulder alignment is paramount.

The Foundation for Effective Pitching

When your shoulders are in line with your target, you promote Lower Body engagement.

Aligned shoulders allow your lower body to generate power and initiate the throwing motion.

A well-aligned upper body ensures a smooth and powerful stride and provides a stable base for the throw.

When your body is aligned, your glove arm moves freely guiding the throwing arm and initiating the release.

Misaligned Shoulders

Out-of-line shoulders can prevent your lower body from engaging effectively and leads to a less-accurate throw.

Misalignment causes your stride to be off-balance, limits the freedom of your glove arm, and hinders your ability to throw the ball accurately.


By maintaining proper shoulder alignment, pitchers ensure a more efficient and powerful delivery leading to increased accuracy and control.

Getting Better Results

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the Shoulder alignment to prompt a throw with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Proper Back Knee Positioning Promotes Location

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Proper back knee positioning contributes to better balance, body control, and ultimately, a more accurate throw.

Improper Back Knee Position

When your back knee is ahead of or directly over your back foot, you disrupt your weight distribution and your body to tilts.

To adjust your body’s position mid-throw and regain balance, you change your head position as you lift your front leg.

Your tilts disrupt coordination between your upper and lower body.

You lose control of your glove work and lower body movement, and your lower body can’t contribute efficiently to the throw.

You end up relying solely on your throwing arm to deliver the ball which leads to less power and accuracy.

Proper Back Knee Position

With your back knee is positioned slightly to the second base side of your back foot, your weight distribution remains centered, your body remains balanced, and you prevent tilting.

Your glove hand is in a ready position to initiate movement and the energy from your lower body through your core and into your throwing arm.

Your efficient power transfer allows your lower body to effectively pull your throwing arm into the throwing motion, facilitates a proper back knee position, and leads to more accurate throws.

Consistent mechanics translate to throws that hit your target with uncanny regularity.

Getting Your Proper Back Knee Position

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches your back knee position to prompt your throw, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Your Shoulders Promote Location!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Your Shoulders stay in synch with your Hips.

When your Hips are online, your Shoulders are also on the target line.

Poor shoulders

Your Foot being too far apart causes your Front Knee to be behind your Front Hip.

When you begin your delivery with your Front Knee behind your Front Hip, your Shoulders fall out of line with the target.

To get your Shoulders back in line, your Front Leg points toward your target and your Shoulders fall back in line.

When landing your Stride, your Shoulders are rarely in the same position, your Throwing Arm releases the ball from your Shoulder position, and you miss your target.

Good shoulders

With your Feet close together, you begin your delivery with your Shoulders and Hips in line with your target.

Your Front Knee stays in front of your Front Hip and your Shoulders and Hips remain in line with your target.

With your Shoulders and Hips in line with your target, your Throwing Arm has a constant release point to come through.

You deliver your pitch from the same release point and the ball goes to your target with uncanny regularity.

Getting Quality Instruction!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you a natural “Pitching System” on every motion to get your pitch to your target with precise reliability … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“Location by choice, not by chance!”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

FREE Instruction When We Can’t Send the Ball to Your Target!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Suspect Shoulder Alignment

Your Shoulders must stay close to guide your baseball to your target.

When you Stride too far, your Starting Position causes your Body to land with your Shoulders open.

When your Stride ends up short, your Starting Position causes your Shoulders to close, and your ball misses your target.

Your exact Stride length guides the ball around your target.

Superior Head Control

However, when your Starting Position prompts your Glove Hand to fire your Foot Strike, your Head guides the ball’s location.

Your Glove Hand engages your Lower Body and pulls your Throwing Hand to send the ball to your target.

Your Head moving toward your target prompts the ball to go toward your target on every pitch.

Creating Head Control

Your Starting Position balances your weight to right in front of your Back Foot.

As you move into your release, your Shoulders being in line with your target keeps your Head in place.

There’s no conflict and your Throwing Hand naturally sends the ball right to your target with uncanny regularity.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.


FREE Instruction When We Can’t Add Command to Your Velocity!

Your FREE Instruction When We Can’t Add Command to Your Velocity!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

What is velocity?

Velocity is the speed at which your ball gets to your target without giving the batter little time to think about the pitch.

Most Pitchers don’t realize that most of the time, the hitter swings at pitches outside the strike zone.

Where does Velocity come from?

Any weight shift from any part of your Body prompts your velocity to come from your Throwing Arm working alone.

When your Lower Body isn’t involved, you Stride and throw the pitch.

What is command?

Command is your ability to deliver the ball with velocity right into your target.

Command and velocity improve your results.

You send the ball right to your target, keep the Hitter off balance, and get the outs in the spots you want.

What’s the origin of command?

The extra velocity comes from your Lower Body encouraging your Stride and your Throwing Arm to deliver the ball to your Catcher’s target.

Once your Glove Arm prompts your Lower Body to fire your Throwing Hand, your Hips prompts your Throwing Arm.

Now, the Hitter has a deal with all your pitches.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

Glove Hand Palm, Balance, and Command


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you Glove Hand Palm, balance, and command.


Your Starting Position impacts your Glove Hand Palm.

The correct Glove Hand Palm movement indicates balance.

However, when your Glove Hand Palm merely reacts to your Starting Position, your Body moves out of balance, and your command suffers.

Poor Glove Hand Palm Movement

When you begin your motion with your Front Knee to the Second Base side of your Front Hip, your weight is entirely over your Back Foot.

Your Body recognizes this arrangement and reacts with your Throwing Hand taking over your motion.

Your Throwing Hand works by itself to bring the ball to a point between where you want the ball to go and one your Body wants.

Good Glove Hand Palm Movement

When you begin your motion with your Front Knee in front of your Front Hip, your weight is just in front of your Back Foot.

Your Body recognizes your Starting Position and reacts with your Glove Hand Palm driving the ball into the target.

Your Throwing Hand works because of your Glove Hand Palm and finds the target with uncanny regularity.

Accomplishing This?

Want your Body to produce a good Glove Hand Palm movement?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Glove Hand Palm movement, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Balance and Your Starting Position


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you balance and your Starting Position.


Level Shoulders indicates balance and Shoulders with tilt means your Body is out of balance.

Titled Shoulders

In your Starting Position, any sort of Shoulder tilt means your Body compensates for an imbalance.

When you go into your motion, your Throwing Arm adjusts for the imbalance by expanding your target line.

The ball goes somewhere between your natural release point and the spot where you want your ball to go.

You run the risk of the ball missing your target.

Level Shoulders

When your Shoulders are level, your Throwing Hand miraculously stays in line with your target.

Your ball goes into your target with great consistency, and you locate pitches with uncanny regularity.

Accomplishing This?

Want your Body to produce a better separation?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your separation, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Glove Hand Action

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you Glove Hand action.

Little Glove Hand Action

An undisciplined Glove Hand fails to activate your Lower Body.

You get fewer pitches to travel to your target.

Glove Hand Action

Your weight distribution at the top of your Front Leg lift prompts your Glove Arm to activate your Lower Body.

You send your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity.

Accomplishing This?

Want your Body to produce better Glove Hand Action?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Glove Hand, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.