Posts tagged with "pitching tips"

Better Command? It Starts With Your Back Knee

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Want to throw strikes consistently?

It’s simpler than you think: your back knee.

Your back knee behind your back foot keeps your weight back, makes your throwing motion natural, and channels your lower body’s energy straight to the target.

Check Your Back Knee!

Tired of wild pitches and missed targets?

You’re not alone.

Many pitchers struggle with command, and a common culprit is their back-knee position.

Starting with your back knee ahead of your back foot throws everything off.

The Back Knee Advantage

Want to take your pitching to the next level?

When you position your back knee behind your back foot, your back knee keeps your weight back for optimal power, promotes a natural and repeatable motion, and naturally channels your lower body’s energy directly to the target.

Pitch Smart

Stop fighting your mechanics. Start with your back knee behind your back foot.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

Front Knee Position: Setting the Stage for Success

Your FREE Instruction When We Can’t Add Command to Your Velocity!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

The position of your front knee at the start of your delivery is crucial for balance, power, and accuracy.

Front Knee Behind the Front Hip: The Reactive Approach

Starting with your front knee behind your front hip often leads to a reactive delivery. Your body is constantly trying to catch up to your weight.

Because you’re reacting, your delivery becomes less consistent, you’re likely to have varying release points, and you’re leading to unpredictable pitch location.

The throwing hand trying to keep the body in balance is a major red flag. Your legs and core should provide the balance, not your arm.

Front Knee Ahead of the Front Hip: The Proactive Approach

Starting with your front knee slightly ahead of your front hip promotes a proactive and balanced delivery, and you move toward the target.

Your weight is centered, creating a stable base for your delivery.

The kinetic chain works optimally by facilitating a smooth and efficient energy transfer from your legs and hips through your core and into your arm.

Our Guarantee

You’re in control of your motion, not reacting to it.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

The Misconception Of Arm Dominance In Command

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Complicated Command

Many pitchers overthink their arm action, believing it solely dictates where the ball goes.

This over-reliance on the arm leads to inconsistent release points and poor command.

The throwing arm plays a role, but it’s more of a facilitator than the primary driver of location.

The Importance Of A Strong Foundation

Starting with the weight over the back foot allows for a smooth and powerful leg lift without compromising balance.

A clean and controlled glove hand movement sets the stage for the rest of the motion.

The lower body rotates, generates the power, and directs the pitch toward the target.

The arm action then follows naturally, executing the pitch with the power generated by the lower body.

Simple Command

Actual command originates from a stable lower body and a coordinated sequence of movements.

The throwing arm is a tool to deliver the pitch, not the sole determinant of its location.

Our Guarantee

By focusing on a strong foundation and allowing the lower body to drive the pitch, pitchers develop consistent command and improve their overall effectiveness.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

Proper Glove Hand Movement for Pitching

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

High Glove Hand Hurts Mechanics

Starting with the glove hand high above the elbow leads to the pitcher relying on their throwing arm for balance and disrupts the natural flow of the motion.

A high glove hand causes the pitcher to land their stride before releasing the ball, which is inefficient and inaccurate.

Low Glove Hand Is What You Want

Starting with the glove hand below the glove arm elbow and the palm facing the home plate creates a more balanced and efficient starting position.

The movement of the glove hand towards the front hip initiates the stride and the subsequent release of the ball.

Proper glove hand movement promotes consistent release points, efficient weight transfer, and powerful lower body rotation.

Our Guarantee

With the glove hand low and maintaining a consistent path toward the front hip, pitchers significantly improve their balance, mechanics, and overall accuracy

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

Wide Feet Cause Issues

Your FREE Instruction When We Can’t Add Command to Your Velocity!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

The Problem

When you stand with your feet too far apart, it leads to several problems.

Your instinct places your front knee behind the front hip.

Your glove hand is used for balance and nothing else.

Due to a less stable base and inconsistent release point, your accuracy suffers.

The Solution

The solution involves bringing the feet closer together.

Your instincts align your front knee with the front hip and promote better lower body drive.

Your glove hand involves itself with improving the location.

A more stable base and consistent release point leads to better accuracy and control.

Your Conclusion

Proper foot placement is essential in pitching.

Keeping your feet closer together improves your mechanics, leading to better control, accuracy, and overall performance.

Our Guarantee

Developing the proper foot position significantly improves your pitching mechanics and achieves tremendous success on the mound.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Pitchers: Get the Lower Body Involved©
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2025, Pro Pitching Institute.

Body Balance In Pitching: Throwing Action And Pitch Location

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Weight in Front

Starting with your weight in front of your back foot disrupts your balance.

You rely heavily on your stride to initiate the throw, which leads to inconsistent mechanics and poor pitch location.

Balanced Starting Position

Begin with your weight slightly before your back foot and maintain a balanced posture.

A simple lift of your front leg triggers the throwing motion naturally and smoothly.

This balanced starting position promotes a more fluid and effortless throwing action and improves accuracy and control.


A balanced starting position is the foundation for a successful pitch.

Initiated by a simple lift of the front leg, the throwing motion feels natural and effortless when properly balanced.

A balanced approach leads to more consistent mechanics and improved pitch location.

Our Guarantee

True pitching power and accuracy originate from a balanced and grounded position, not solely from a forceful stride.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Understanding the Stride and Glove Hand in Pitching

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Stride and …

The purpose of the stride is primarily for balance and momentum.

The stride is used to maintain balance and align the body for delivery, generate power and propels the pitcher towards the plate.

.. The Glove Hand

The glove hand directs the body’s movement and guides the pitch.

The glove hand maintains balance and control while guiding the pitching arm and directing the ball towards the target.

A precise glove hand movement helps the pitcher achieve better accuracy and control, reducing the size of the target area.

The Ideal Synergy

The stride smoothly transitions into the delivery phase, with the glove hand guiding the arm and body towards the target.

The momentum generated by the stride efficiently transfers into the pitch, maximizing velocity and accuracy.

Repeatable mechanics, particularly in the glove hand’s role, are crucial for consistent results.

Understanding these concepts and addressing potential issues optimizes mechanics and improves overall performance.

Our Guarantee

By practicing these techniques, you improve your accuracy and power.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Weight Distribution: The Secret to Consistent Throws

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

If you’ve been struggling to hit your target regularly, the culprit might be your weight distribution. Understanding and correcting your weight placement significantly improves your accuracy and power.

The Problem: Weight in Front

When your weight shifts forward, your throwing arm is forced to work harder to compensate for the imbalance.

Your arm may struggle to find the target, resulting in missed throws. Your weight forward position limits your power generation, leading to weaker throws. Overcompensating with your arm puts unnecessary strain on your shoulder and elbow.

The Solution: Weight on Your Back Leg

The key to consistent and powerful throws is to center your weight between your feet, with a slight emphasis on your back leg. This balanced position allows your throwing arm to work efficiently and effectively.

Start with a balanced stance, feet shoulder-width apart. As you begin throwing, keep your weight back onto your back leg.

Use your lower body to generate power, driving your weight forward through your front leg as you release the ball. Finish your throw with a smooth follow-through, ensuring your weight remains balanced.

Our Guarantee

By practicing these techniques, you improve your accuracy and power.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

 Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

Mastering Glove Hand Activity for Unmatched Pitching Control

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

A well-coordinated glove-hand movement is crucial for a smooth and efficient pitching delivery.

The glove hand plays a vital role in initiating the pitching motion, maintaining balance, and transferring energy to the throwing arm.

The Pitfalls of Passive Glove Hand Activity

A passive glove hand hinders energy transfer from your lower body to your upper body, resulting in weaker pitches.

A passive glove hand leads to variations in your release point, affecting accuracy and control.

A passive glove hand disrupts your balance, making it difficult to maintain control of your body and the pitch.

Achieving Optimal Glove Hand Activity

To achieve optimal glove-hand activity, the front leg lift must maintain balance, the throwing hand faces second, and the glove hand faces home.

The next movement rotates the glove hand palm from facing the target with the palm facing the target to the palm facing the pitcher’s body.

The action promotes a stride and throwing action to bring the ball to the target with uncanny regularity.

Our Guarantee

An active, coordinated glove hand empowers you to deliver powerful, accurate, consistent pitches.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you get the ball to your target regularly, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.

The Importance of Front Foot Position

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

The position of your front foot during your pitching delivery plays a crucial role in generating power, accuracy, and control.

A Well-Positioned Front Foot

Proper foot placement allows for a smooth transfer of energy from the lower body to the upper body, resulting in increased power and velocity.

A balanced stance provides a solid foundation for pitching motion, improving accuracy and control.

A consistent foot placement helps you establish a repeatable release point, increasing accuracy.

The Pitfalls of Improper Front Foot Placement

When your front foot goes behind your hip in the starting position, you can lose balance and power. Your weight shifts backward, making generating momentum and delivering accurate pitches difficult.

While this position may seem balanced, it can limit your ability to effectively generate power and rotate your hips. It can also lead to a slower and less powerful delivery.

Our Guarantee

A well-positioned front foot will empower you to deliver powerful, accurate, consistent pitches.

You can significantly improve your pitching performance by understanding the importance of front foot placement and following the guidelines provided in the Pro Pitching Institute’s Programs.

We’re so confident in our instructions that we offer a unique guarantee: if we can’t help you properly place your front foot, your instruction is free, no questions asked.

Coach Skip Fast
“Command by Choice, Not by Chance”
Pro Pitching Institute

                                                  Copyright © 2024, Pro Pitching Institute.