Posts tagged with "velocity"

FREE Instruction When We Can’t Get Your Glove Hand to Activate Your Delivery!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

No Glove Hand Activity

Due to your Starting Position, your Front Leg comes off the ground and your Knee begins behind your Front Hip.

To get out of this position, your Front Foot moves forward, extends your Foot, and hits the ground.

At the point your Front Foot hits the ground, your Glove hand balances your Body, and your Throwing Arm takes over to deliver the ball to your target.

Your aim depends upon the angle of your Front Foot in your Starting Position.

The chances the ball goes to the same point depend upon your Throwing Hand release.

Quality Glove Hand Activity

Due to your Starting Position, your Front Leg comes off the ground and your Front Knee consciously stays in front of your Front Hip.

To get out of this position, your Front Knee stays in front of your Front Hip and your Glove Hand moves your Lower Body.

When your Glove Hand clears your Lower Body, your Throwing Arm reacts to your Glove Hand and delivers the ball to your target with uncanny regularity.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

FREE Instruction When We Can’t Correctly Position Your Front Leg!


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Your Front Foot Goes Behind Your Hip

In your Starting Position, your Front Leg finishing behind your Front Hip places your weight over your Back Foot.

With your weight over your Back Foot, your weight needs to get back in balance.

Your weight gets back in balance at your Foot Strike.

Your weight balanced at your Foot Strike finds your Throwing Hand working alone to get your ball to your target.

Your consistency suffers and the ball rarely finds your target.

Your Front Foot Lands Even With Your Back Foot

In your Starting Position, your Front Foot finishing even with your Back Foot centers your weight just to the front of your Back Foot.

With your weight in front of your Back Foot, your weight is in balance.

Now, to get your Body to move into your Throwing Action, you must shift your weight.

You shift your weight by sending your Glove Hand forward.

Your Glove Hand creates an imbalance to, at the same time, prompt your Foot Strike and Throwing Action.

Your pitch goes into your target with uncanny regularity.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

FREE Instruction When We Can’t Turn Your Command into an Expectation!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

“Feeling” Your Motion

When you “feel” the way your Body moves, something gets in your way, and the ball misses your target.

“Feeling” the way your Body moves is like throwing darts.  Sometimes the dart goes where you want, but most of the time, the dart goes somewhere else.

Mechanics is not about “feeling” the way your Body naturally moves, mechanics is all about the way your Body to meant to move.

Command Is a Need

You want your motion to deliver the ball to your target, but your Lower Body presents an obstacle.

Your Lower Body doesn’t really rotate. All it does is land your Front Foot.

Your Front Foot lands and you go into your Throwing Motion.

Get your Lower Body involved, and the ball goes into your target.

Command As an Expectation

You get your Lower Body involved with your motion and there’s nothing stopping you from delivering the ball to your target.

Your Lower Body causes your Glove Hand to pull your Throwing Hand into release, and your release brings the ball to your target with uncanny regularity.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

FREE Instruction When Your Body is Wrong!

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

A good Back Knee, Front Heel, and Glove Hand Palm Position is all you need to command your pitching into your target with uncanny regularity.

Your Back Knee Position.

Your first step places your weight just in front of your Back Knee.

Your Back Knee needs to begin to the Second Base Side of your Back Foot.

Your Glove Palm Hand Position

Next, your Glove Hand position keeps your weight just in front of your Back Foot.

Your Glove Hand Palm position goes to center.

Your Front Heel Position.

Finally, by placing your Feet close to one another, your weight assuredly ends up just in front of your Back Foot.

Your Front Heel is close to your Back Heel.

Something is Wrong

Whenever you can’t hold your Starting Position and need to make a throwing action, something isn’t right.

Your Back Knee beginning over or ahead of your Back Foot, your Glove Hand Palm beginning in front of center, and your Front Heel too far away from your Back Heel causes you to make a throwing action.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

Your Back Knee, Front Heel, and Glove Hand Palm positions produce command.

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

Balanced Starting Positions

Balanced Starting Position

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.


To get your pitch to the target with uncanny regularity, you must keep your weight back, have your Glove Hand prompt your Lower Body, and your Lower Body pulls your Throwing Hand through to the target.

Your Body’s movement prompts your Throwing Arm to deliver the ball to your target.

Anything other than your weight back stimulates a series of at least 20 reactionary instances that’ll cause your pitch to not hit your target.

Bad Starting Positions

Any position where your Front Knee is behind your Front Hip is an instance where your ball misses your target more than hits your target.

You land your Stride, your Front Hip catches up with your Body, and you deliver the ball like you were throwing darts.

Some of your pitches hit the target, but many more missed.

Good Starting Position

The best position is keeping your Front Knee in front of your Front Hip and your Front Heel in line with your Back Toe.

Your Glove Arm naturally turns your Lower Body, your Shoulders follow, and your Throwing Arm fires your pitch.

Your Stride and Throwing Action become one motion.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.


A Motion Producing One Result

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Easy Balance

You want your Front Heel to begin close to your Back Heel.

– With your Heels close to each other, when you lift your Front Foot, you preserves your balance, and you deliver the ball with your Glove Hand.

– Without your Heel-to-Heel relationship, your weight shifts, your Head moves, and your land your Stride before your Throwing Arm delivers the ball.

The easier way to get your Body in balance is with your Front Heel near your Back Heel.

Your Throwing Arm

You want your Glove Hand to prompt your Lower Body to fire your Throwing Arm.

– When the Pitcher’s motions are in balance, their Glove Hand tips their weight and naturally turns.  They land their Foot Strike, and their Throwing Arm sends the ball to their target with uncanny regularity.

– When the Pitcher’s motion contains an imbalance, their motion is much simpler. The Pitcher lands their Stride, and their Throwing Arm sends the ball to their target. The number of pitches going into their target is like throwing a dart at a dart board … sometimes you hit your target, but most of the time you miss.

Make your Throwing Arm involved by your Body being in balance.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you a valued “Pitching Process” on every motion, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

You Produce or Your Instruction is Free

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.There is a motion where you send every baseball directly into your target with uncanny regularity.

This motion contains 5 dominant and coordinated segments to keep your weight over your Back Foot.

In the last step, your Glove Hand tips your weight forward, your Glove Hand naturally turns, and you deliver the ball with uncanny regularity.

This ultimate motion looks this way …

  1. Your Back Foot begins to the Second Base side of your Back Foot,
  2. Your Front Foot starts very close to your Back Foot,
  3. When lifting your Front Leg, your Front Knee stays in front of your Front Hip,
  4. Your Hands separate in front of your Body, and
  5. Your Glove Hand movement triggers your Throwing Arm to send your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity.

Except for the last step, every phase has a well-defined action to keep your weight always centered over your Back Foot.

How can this motion be FREE?

By getting your weight over your Back Foot and shifting your weight toward the plate, your Glove Arm initiates your Throwing Action.

As your Glove Arm shifts your weight to the target, your Throwing Arm naturally finds your target with uncanny regularity.

Quality Instruction for FREE!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you these 5 Pieces in every motion, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute


Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.

The Desired “Pitching Process” You’re Searching For

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.Finding your target with uncanny regularity comes from being “in balance” (starting your motion with your Front Knee in front of your Front Hip).

Your Front Knee getting behind your Front Hip is an “out of balance” or “balanced” position.

Your Body is Always Getting “In Balance”

Your Body always does several natural things to get back to “in balance”.  The instant you’re “out of balance” becomes the instant your Body makes these adjustments.

  • What does happen – What should happen
  1. Hips follow Glove Arm – Your Glove Arm triggers your Lower Body.
  2. Stride and Throw – Your Throwing Action is part of your entire motion.
  3. Front Foot before Stride – Your Glove Arm needs to move before your Front Foot.
  4. Heels too far apart – Your Heels being close creates an “in balance” motion.
  5. Throwing Arm trigger – Your “in balance” motion has your Glove Arm promoting your Throwing Action.
  6. Uneven Hips – Your Lower Body rotates.
  7. Late Hands separation – Your Hands need to separate before your Stride.
  8. Front Knee position – Your Back Knee begins toward Second Base.
  9. Shoulder alignment – Your Shoulders need to be aligned with your Hips.
  10. Stride timing – Your Stride needs to happen before your Hands move.
  11. Stride with Feet first – You need your Front Foot to move after your Hands.
  12. Throwing Hand Offsetting Stride – Your Throwing Hand needs to stay in front of your Body.
  13. Bent at Waist – Your Body is vertical going into your release.
  14. Throwing Arm initiates Throwing Action – Your Glove Arm initiates your Throwing Action.

Add only five segments to your starting “Pitching Process” and you stay “in balance”, you send your ball to your target with uncanny regularity, and your motion should never change!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you these 5 Segments on every motion, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Shoulders In Line

As you move into your release, your Shoulders being in line with your target promotes your Lower Body and locates your pitches.

Moving into your Stride with your Shoulders in line also brings your Lower Body in line.

This loosens your Glove Arm to get your Lower Body engaged in your Throwing Action.

Your Lower Body pulls your Throwing Hand into release and drives the ball into your target with uncanny regularity.

Shoulders Out of Line

Your Shoulders out of line signifies your Lower Body needs to get in line with your Shoulders.

The only way to do this is to land your Stride.

With your Front Foot on the ground, your Shoulders move in line, and you make your Throwing Action.

Your Glove Arm follows your Throwing Arm, and your Lower Body is there to stabilize your actions.

Your Front Foot on the ground means your Glove Arm, instead of firing your Lower Body, is used to balance your motion.

Get “Legitimate” Shoulders

To find your target with uncanny regularity, you want your Glove Arm to prompt your Lower Body, and your Lower Body to start your Throwing Action.

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to begin with your Shoulders in line on every motion, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.


“Legitimate” Foot Strikes

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.


Gravity controls your Throwing Action.

Either your weight causes you to “Stride, then Throw” or you “Stride and Throw”.

Foot Strike, Then Throw

You end your Starting Position with your Front Hip behind your Back Leg.

Your Body fighting with gravity causes you to lose control of your entire motion.

Your Front Leg brings your weight forward and you land your Foot Strike.

You find your balance, get ready to throw your pitch, and deliver your ball.

Your weight initiating your Throwing Action gets the ball to a larger-than-expected target area.

Foot Strike, And Throw

You end your Starting Position with your weight balanced just in front of your Back Foot.

From this balanced position, your Glove Hand initiates your Stride.

Your Glove Hand comes forward, your weight shifts and your Lower Body initiates your Throwing Arm.

Gravity causes your Glove Hand Palm to go up, and you deliver the ball to your target.

Your Throwing Arm follows your Glove Hand, and you find your target with uncanny regularity.

Get a “Legitimate” Foot Strike

To find your target with uncanny regularity, you want your Glove Arm to prompt your Lower Body, and your Lower Body to start your Throwing Action.

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to begin with your weight in front of your Back Foot, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.