FREE Instruction When We Can’t Get Your Glove Hand to Activate Your Delivery!

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No Glove Hand Activity

Due to your Starting Position, your Front Leg comes off the ground and your Knee begins behind your Front Hip.

To get out of this position, your Front Foot moves forward, extends your Foot, and hits the ground.

At the point your Front Foot hits the ground, your Glove hand balances your Body, and your Throwing Arm takes over to deliver the ball to your target.

Your aim depends upon the angle of your Front Foot in your Starting Position.

The chances the ball goes to the same point depend upon your Throwing Hand release.

Quality Glove Hand Activity

Due to your Starting Position, your Front Leg comes off the ground and your Front Knee consciously stays in front of your Front Hip.

To get out of this position, your Front Knee stays in front of your Front Hip and your Glove Hand moves your Lower Body.

When your Glove Hand clears your Lower Body, your Throwing Arm reacts to your Glove Hand and delivers the ball to your target with uncanny regularity.

Quality Instruction or You Don’t Pay!

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

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