Mastering Balance and Pitching Mechanics

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

Explore the importance of maintaining a balanced stance with your heels close together for effective pitching and the role of the glove hand in guiding the ball towards the target.

A balanced stance is fundamental for effective pitching.

Keeping your heels close together to maintain a stable base and ensure your weight is evenly distributed between both feet keeps your body balanced.

By keeping your body evenly distributed, you use your glove hand to trigger your lower body involvement and send the pitch directly to your target.

Benefits of Balanced Stance

Balanced mechanics enable efficient power and enhance pitch accuracy by transferring energy from your lower body through your core to your throwing arm.

A balanced stance minimizes stress on your joints and muscles and reduces the risk of injury.

These key elements significantly improve your pitching mechanics, achieve consistent accuracy, and produce power.

Ultimately, a balanced stance allows for more precise targeting and improved accuracy.

Getting Your Best Results

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to always keep your feet close together, or your instruction is free—no questions, no hassles… and no hard feelings.

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Pro Pitching Institute

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