Mastering the Balanced Pitch: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Achieving consistent accuracy in pitching requires a well-balanced and coordinated motion.

The importance of maintaining a balanced stance with your weight over your back foot throughout the pitching motion produces an accurate delivery.

Starting Position

To maintain your weight primarily over your back foot, ensure your back foot is slightly to the second base side of your back foot, your front foot is close to your back foot, and your front foot points toward the target.

Preparation Phase

Keep your front knee slightly in front of your front hip and separate your hands to create tension in your core.

Delivery Phase

As your glove hand moves forward, it naturally shifts your weight towards the target.

The natural transfer of weight and momentum propels your throwing arm towards the target.

Key Takeaways

Maintaining your weight over your back foot is essential for stability and control.

The glove hand plays a crucial role in initiating the throwing motion and transferring power.

A well-balanced and coordinated motion leads to consistent accuracy.

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The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the balance to prompt a throw right to your target, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

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