Posts tagged with "right-side brain"

What Does “Good” Pitching Look Like?


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

When a Person plays with a rubber band-powered, balsa wood toy airplane, they wind the propeller, and, when they let the propeller go, the rubber band supplies extra thrust.

The plane’s rubber band mirrors the twisting force an elite Pitcher creates when they end their stride with their hips and shoulders at opposing angles.

Like the rubber band powers the plane’s propeller, the torque their lower body generates spontaneously whips their throwing hand into release and sends their fastballs directly into their intended target.

Need Your Lower Body to Fire?

Want your Body to fire your Hips and send the ball to your target?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Lower Body, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2023, Pro Pitching Institute.


Throwing Hand Control, Balance, and Command


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you Throwing Hand movement, balance, and command.


Your Starting Position impacts your Throwing Hand.

The correct Throwing Hand movement promotes balance and command.

However, when your Throwing Hand merely reacts to your Starting Position, your Body moves out of balance, and your command suffers.

Poor Throwing Hand Movement

When your Front Leg is behind your Front Hip, your weight is over your Back Foot, and your Front Leg is forced to move first.

Your Front Leg takes you out of your Starting Position, and your Hands keep your Body in balance.

Your Hands keeping your Body in balance has your Throwing Hand acting on its own.

Each different pitch you throw will have a slightly different release point and arm speed.

Good Throwing Hand Control

However, when your Front Leg is even with your Front Hip, your weight is center right in front of your Back Foot, and things change dramatically.

Your Glove Hand takes your motion out of balance and fires the ball to your target with uncanny regularity.

No matter the grip, your Throwing Hand keeps the batter guessing about the pitch by showing the Hitter a constant fastball speed!

Accomplishing This?

Want your Body to produce a good Throwing Hand movement?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Throwing Hand movement, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Balance, Command, and Your Glove Hand Movement


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you Glove Hand movement, balance, and command.


Your Starting Position impacts your Glove Hand movement.

The right Glove Hand movement indicates balance.

However, when your Glove Hand merely reacts to your Starting Position, your Body moves out of balance and your command suffers.

No Glove Hand Movement

With bad Glove Hand movement, your Glove Hand reacts to your Hips movement.

Your Glove Hand takes on a path of its own and fires the ball to a point between your natural release point and the spot where you want your ball to go.

Your Glove Hand release places the ball in a location where the Hitter drives the ball, or lets the pitch go.

The Right Glove Hand Movement

Your good Starting Position focuses your weight just in front of Back Foot and your Front Leg lift keeps your weight just in front of your Back Foot.

Your Body’s good position means your Glove Hand drives your Throwing Hand into release.

Your Glove Hand Palm moving up takes the ball into your target with uncanny regularity!

Accomplishing This?

Want your Body to produce a Glove Hand movement?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Glove Hand movement, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Lower Body Command

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you “Stride and Throw”.

Throwing Arm Command

When your Throwing Hand keeps your Body in balance, your Throwing Action involves your Throwing Arm.

You “Stride THEN Throw’ and your ball goes into your target by chance.

Entire Body Command

However, when your Body is in balance, your Lower Body produces your command.

You “Stride AND Throw”, your motion becomes one, and your ball goes to your target with uncanny regularity.

Accomplishing This?

Want your Body to produce your command?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Lower Body, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Hand Separation


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you Hand Separation.

What Not to Do!

Your Hands separating after your Stride stops your Lower Body from triggering your location.

Without your Lower Body, you use your Throwing Hand to command your pitches.

What to Do!

An ideal Hand Separation has your Hands separating before you begin your Stride.

Your Lower Body engages, and the ball goes to your target with uncanny regularity.

Accomplishing This?

Want your Hands to involve your Lower Body?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Hands, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Shoulder Alignment


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you Shoulder alignment.

What Not to Do?

Your Shoulders stay in line with your Hips.

The instant your Front Knee moves behind your Front Hip your Shoulders fly out of line and make it more difficult for you to hit your spots.

What to Do!

Instead, you want your Front Knee to stay ahead of your Front Hip.

Your Shoulders stay in line and your Lower Body locates your pitches with uncanny regularity.

Accomplishing This?

Want to end your Starting Position with your Shoulders in line with your target?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Shoulders, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Throwing Action

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip and I’m about to teach you a “balanced” Throwing Action.

Starting Position

Your Starting Position determines your Throwing Action.

Bad Arms

Your Throwing Arm going behind your Body offsets your Starting Position and you see fewer pitches going into your target.

Good Arms

Your Throwing Arm ending up in front of your Body gives you a balanced Throwing Action.

Your Throwing Arm reacts to your Glove Arm and more pitches end up in your target.

How To Accomplish This?

Want to end your motion with your Throwing Arm in front of your Body?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Throwing Action, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.



Foot Strike


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip, and you’re going to learn about a “balanced” Stride.

An Out-of-Balance Foot Strike

At the end of your Stride, your Throwing Arm reacts to your Body’s position.

When your Foot Strike position is out of balance, your release is spotty at best.

Balanced Foot Strikes

Land your Stride with your Foot Strike in balance and your Throwing Action reacts a lot differently.

Your ball ends up in the target with uncanny regularity.

How To Accomplish This?

Want to end your Stride in balance?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Stride, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.


Front Knee Position


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

My name is Coach Skip, and you’re going to learn about a “balanced” Front Knee position.

Poor front Knee

During your Front Leg Lift, your Front Knee going behind your Front Hip prevents your Lower Body from commanding your pitch.

You never know where your ball ends up.

The front Knee You Want

However, your Front Knee staying in front of your Front Hip allows your Lower Body to command your pitch.

Your ball goes into your target with uncanny regularity.

How To Accomplish This?

Want to know more about your Front Knee location?

The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you to manage your Front Knee, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

Copyright © 2022, Pro Pitching Institute.