Real-World Experiences Expose Command Breakdowns


Pro Pitching Institute

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Trust your real-world experiences to help improve your command.

Proof Balance Without Movement Hurts Command.

When balancing on a bike in place, at the first you’re about to fall over, you trust your subconscious will move your handlebars to the opposite side.

When pitching and a weight shift sends you toward your target, you can trust you will lose control of your Throwing Arm path.

Evidence Your Subconscious Is on Automatic.

When balanced on a bike and there’s a threat you’re about to fall over, you can trust your subconscious will move your handlebars.

When pitching, as you drive down the mound, your body will use your Arms for balance, and you will lose your command.

Confirmation You Can Control Your Arm Movements.

When riding a bike and you keep your weight positioned over your rotating wheels, your arms will be free to steer you where you want to go.

When pitching, as you spin your torso down the mound, you can trust your Arms won’t be needed for balance and will remain free to command your pitches.

Bike Behaviors Build Command.

When you end your Front Leg lift with your weight around your Back Leg and spin down the mound, you can trust your pitches will go where you want.

Need help balancing your Front Leg lift? Coach Skip is waiting to hear from you.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

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