5-Ways to Make Pitching Fun


Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.Pitching is more fun when you teach yourself how to …

  1. Concentrate on your personal scoreboard.
    You control the effort and attitude you put into every pitch, but you can’t control how your opponents respond to each pitch. Stop trying to force your results, accept the results you produce, and pitching becomes more fun.
  2. Ignore Your Inner Voice.
    Your inner voice yells at you. Instead of listening to your inner voice, listen to the whispers you hear about the attitude and effort you put into every pitch.
  3. Stop competing.
    Accept that the other Team is helping you get better. Play your guts out, and, between starts, find ways to make your next outing better than your last.
  4. Think Teamwork.
    Keeping your Team close enough to win and letting your Teammates score the runs your Team needs to win, makes pitching more fun.
  5. Develop a repeatable process.
    A focus on balance supplies you with a process that’ll free your throwing arm to send your pitches where you want, keep the other Team from scoring, and make each outing more enjoyable.

When you take the self-discipline and self-confidence these 5-skills require into your everyday life, the fun you have on the mound becomes a part of your everyday life.

If you like to pitch, but it’s not fun? Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute

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