Where and How to Focus Your Attention?


Discover a process to stay you focused on the things that’ll help your performances better match your expectations

Pro Pitching Institute is one of the top 100 baseball blogs on the Internet.

As a Pitcher, over and above trying to coach yourself, you have lots to think about, tons of responsibilities, get pulled in many directions at the same time, and bounce between the past and future.

However, when you stay in the present, these distractions disappear, and you produce much better results more often.

Teach Yourself to Be Present

To stop worrying about what might happen, feeling guilty about what did happen, and controlling what’s about to happen, practice your delivery in ultra-slow motion.

This simple act points out your motion’s weaknesses, and, once corrected, shuts out the distractions standing between what you want to do and what you actually do.

Realizing Exceptional Results

Making an ultra-slow motion lets you understand how your foot placements, leg work, and hand positioning combine to produce your Front Leg lift and why, coming out of your front leg lift, your motion stops at your foot plant.

An ultra-slow motion keeps you in the present, tells you in real-time the relationship between your actions/reactions, and opens the door to forcing your body to end your stride with a totally spontaneous and highly productive throwing action.

Need help managing your ultra-slow movements, Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

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