Your Glove Hand Puts the Ball in Your Target!

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A proper Glove Hand plays a huge role balancing your Foot Strike and getting the ball to your target.

An Out-of-Place Glove Hand

In your Starting Position, when your Front Knee goes behind your Front Hip, your Glove Hand is used only for balance and is clearly an obstacle to your location.

Without Glove Hand involvement, you land your Stride, and your Throwing Arm alone delivers your pitch.

Your Throwing Arm working alone pulls the ball to your target and, unless you have a feel for the target, causes you to lose your location.

Properly Placed Glove Hands

However, in your Starting Position, when your Front Knee stays in front of your Front Hip, your Glove Hand is free to sweep across your Body while your Front Foot remains off the ground.

Your Glove Hand causes your Hips to fire, your Hips get your Front Foot to land, and your Throwing Arm to come through to deliver the ball.

Your Eyes looking at a spot within your Catcher’s mitt take the ball to your target with uncanny regularity.

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The Pro Pitching Institute teaches you the best “Pitching Process” on every motion that gets your pitch to your target with uncanny regularity, or your instruction is free … No questions… No hassles… and no hard feelings.

Coach Skip Fast
“The Pitching Process Doctor”
Pro Pitching Institute

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