Command is Very Teachable


Por Pitching Institute

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Your Feedback Loops

Your Brain continually receives messages about your balance, determines how you react to any imbalance, and dictates the movements needed to stabilize your Body.

The only way to control your movements is to understand how your Body reacts to your imbalances, then plan your movement around these reactions.

Poorly Timed Imbalances Hurt Command.

A plan that ends your Front Leg lift with your weight over your Back Foot means your movement down the mound creates an imbalance, drives your Body to self-correct, and alters your Throwing Arm path.

Start this way and, unless you find the right tempo, you’re unlikely to produce the command you want.

Balance Drives Command.

However, end your Front Leg lift with your Body in balance, and it becomes very possible to choreograph the end of your stride.

By finishing your delivery with the right imbalance, your Brain uses your Throwing Arm to get your Body back in balance and, in the process, produce the command that’ll keep your pitching dreams alive.

Make Your Command a Foregone Conclusion.

Once you design a Front Leg lift that’ll promote balance, you can choreograph the self-corrections that’ll produce the command you want.

Need help with your Front Leg lift? Coach Skip is waiting for your call.

Coach Skip Fast
Pro Pitching Institute
“Pitch location by choice, not chance!”

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